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For Windows 8 users and above

You will need to use compatibility mode, with some of these programs. Microsoft Agent Linguistic Information Sound Editing tool, Microsoft Agent 2.0, MASH, and Microsoft Agent Character Editor, needs Compatbility mode, otherwise, they may not work properly.

Programs, Installers, and more.

DownloadDownload Microsoft Agent 2.0

DownloadDownload Microsoft Agent Speech Recognition System powered by MASH

DownloadDownload Lernout & Hauspie TTS Engine (American-English)

DownloadDownload the Microsoft Agent Character Editor (1 MB exe)

DownloadDownload the Microsoft Agent Linguistic Information Sound Editing Tool (6.2 MB exe)

DownloadDownload DeskBot (5.12 MB exe)

DownloadDownload the Microsoft Agent Property Viewer (MAPV)

DownloadDownload MUSH

DownloadDownload the Microsoft SAPI 4.0a runtime binaries (824 KB exe)

DownloadDownload the Microsoft® Speech Recognition Engine (6 MB exe)

DownloadDownload the Microsoft® Agent Scripting Helper (7.5 MB exe) (Download from BellCraft)

DownloadDownload Mary, Mike, Sam and More SAPI4 Voices

DownloadDownload IE Tab (Redirects to Chrome Web Store) Microsoft Agent home Back to the Microsoft Agent home page

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